Stefan Tiefengraber






Systems surround us; we take part in them without taking notice of them. They sustain patterns and limitations in our everyday lives. In this exhibition Stefan Tiefengraber wants us to ask ourselves what would happen if we started questioning these systems, if we started taking an interest in how and why they work. What would happen if someone picked up a wrench and threw it into the toothed wheels, halting them just long enough to inspect the complex structure behind the facade.

By simplifying and revealing structures the works in this exhibition give the viewer a possibility to inspect, to question, to intervene and even to destruct. The works are all related to a disassembling process – time, systems and networks are taken apart.

“To whom it may concern” is just a very open salutation to each and everyone who might feel the need to deal with what often remains unquestioned.


오스트리아 작가 스테판 티펜그래버는 드로잉, 설치, 그리고 비디오로 이루어진 총 6개의 작품을 통해서 우리가 사용하고 있지만 질문하지 않는 체계 혹은 우리가 생각하는 방식들에 관해 주목한다. 그런 체계들은 누군가가 통제하거나 운영하고 있지만 우리는 잘 만들어진 체계 표면의 아래에서 어떤 일이 일어나고 있는지 알고 싶어하거나 알려고 하지 않는다. 작가는 그런 구조들에 다른 방식이 있는지 탐구하고 그의 탐구 결과물을 작품으로 전시한다. 그의 모든 작품들은 분해된 과정, 즉 시간 · 체계 · 네트워크가 분리된 과정과 관계되어 있다. 이 작품이 어떻게 움직이는가? 왜 이렇게 움직이는가? 체계와 네트워크는 어디까지 억압될 수 있는가? 등과 같은 질문들을 관람객들이 생각해보고 답하기를 바란다.

예를 들어, ‘Data Distorition Drawing Machine’는 그림을 그려내는 기계이다. 이 기계는 아날로그 시각적 효과를 주는 기계와 같은 역할을 하며 영상의 신호나 음악의 파형을 RGB 데이터로 변환한 뒤 자동 드로잉 기계에 입력해 그림을 그려낸다. 109*79cm의 크기를 가진 종이에 검은 파스텔 분필을 손으로 칠해 채운다음, 드로잉 기계가 수직과 수평의 시간 변수에 따라 차콜로 검은 분필을 긁어내며 그려지는 그림이다. 전시기간 동안 이 드로잉 기계가 그리기를 시작하고 끝나는데 까지 이틀이 걸린다.

또 다른 작품 ‘User Generated Server Destruction’은 관람자들이 웹 사이트를 통해 세 개의 망치를 조정해 웹 사이트 서버를 완전히 망가뜨리는 것이다. 웹 사이트에는 세 개의 망치에 대한 각각의 버튼이 만들어져 있고 온라인에 실시간으로 보여주기 위해 라이브 카메라를 통한 서버가 녹화된다. 망치들은 웹 사이트에 등록되어 있는 서버를 내리침으로써 서버를 다운시키는 것이다.


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|| WORKS ||


User Generated Server Destruction -

2013 –interactive installation

Starting from 30. May 6:30pm (South Korea Time zones UTC+09:00) after the exhibition opening, visitors of the website can trigger six hammers and drop them onto a server that is located in the exhibition. This server hosts the website, which also shows a stream to follow what’s happening with the piece. The installation ends when the server is destroyed and thus can not host the website any more. Just the physically destroyed web server will remain.

The internet is a continually growing network of servers spread all over the world. On the one hand are the users and on the other hand the providers, supplying the network.Usually, it is just possible for computer viruses and very qualified users to attack and destroy highly protected servers that are locked in well-secured places. With “User Generated Server Destruction” every user has the possibility to erase one of this servers and thereby shrink the worldwide network.



Data Distortion Drawing Machine

2012/13 - installation

By using the given parameter of time in horizontal and vertical force this machine removes the colour from the paper that is mounted onto the wall. This slow process creates a distorted data visualization.

The drawing machine acts as an analogue visual effect machine that can be compared to the changing of a waveform in music or of analogue video signals. The distortion of the data is happening during a reverse drawing process and is not reproducible.

In the exhibition the machine draws “Random of Chance”, every minute a new value is generated and drawn onto the paper.



Data Distortion Drawings - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou

2013 - reverse drawings with drawing machine

These three drawings show the air pollution of three Chinese cities recorded by US embassies located there. They have monitoring stations on their roofs and are publishing the results hourly via twitter.

Chinese officials are pointing out that only the Chinese government is authorised to publish that kind of data. However, there are now further actions or a confrontation of the US embassies in this case.

The drawings show the recorded air pollution data from 29.12.2012 to 05.02.2013.



Senseless Tweet

2012 - installation

The display shows the life twitter feed of the user “senseless tweet”. This user is a server that is located in Austria and it runs a program that automatically tweets every 90 seconds. The tweeted text is a number counting up from 0 to

9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.

Because of the limitations of 140 character per tweet it will be reset, when its reaches this number and start to recount from zero. Staying within the boundaries and limitations of twitter, the program tweets as many tweets as possible per day starting from November 18th 2012 at 4:01pm.




2012 - interactive installation

Films without explosions? Not anymore! SLATEplosive turns the average, narcotic Saturday-night-film into an explosive matter. How?

- watch parts of the boring movie without an end in sight and give a good yawn

- take the clapperboard

- slate it and enjoy

- repeat as often as you feel the movie needs it

The installation “SLATEplosive” consists of a rather boring movie on a projection and a clapperboard to trigger an explosion into the movie. You can slate and fill the movie with explosions whenever you like.



yesterday, today, tomorrow

2012 - kinetic installation

Three clocks showing the actual time and three signs with “YESTERDAY, TODAY and TOMORROW“ engraved in them, mounted onto the wall.



Corner of Fame

2011 - photomontage

"Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted. Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies; it is the most irresistible form of mental pollution.”

Susan Sontag





30 May - 9 June 2013 / 175 Gallery


curated by:

고은진, 김예원

thanks to:


Dawid Liftinger

Anna Kitzmüller

Simen Godtfredsen










[Gallery 175] 서울시 종로구 율곡로 33길 175-87 안국빌딩 B1

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